Sunday 15 October 2017

Lettuce Sprout!

Lettuce spout, lettuce sprout
Can't stay a seed anymore
Lettuce sprout, lettuce sprout
Turn your leaves to the window
I don't care
what they're going to say
Let the trolls rage on.
Somethin's more than nothin' anyday

Monday 9 October 2017

Indoor Winter Greens

I decided that since I wasn't going to have a proper garden for a while I would grow us a bit of salad greens in the back room this winter. It has a window that faces west and gets a bunch of afternoon sun. Saturday we went to Canadian Tire and I picked up some 72 peat pod starter trays.

I knew I didn't want the plants THAT close together so I took out every other pod. This gives me about 2 inch spacing and that should do fine as long as I don't let them get out of control.

I watered them to expand the peat plugs and I started to wonder if the little planting plugs would be enough growing medium for the entire plant.

I had a pot of chives that had died and revived probably 5 times over the past year and I tossed out the plants to recycle the soil. There was only enough for gaps in one try so I'm seeing this as an experiment.

I realized at this point that I was going to put both types of seeds in both trays so I'd need some plant ID tags so I knew wtf was going on in a week or two. :-)  So I dug a yogurt container out of the recycling and chopped it up.

The tags in place, I planted the seeds in the trays. Half lettuce and half spinach.

I popped the trays in the little greenhouse and crossed my fingers. Wish us salad.  :-)

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Sick Days

This morning while I was trying to decide how sick I was and if I really wanted to call in 90 minutes before my shift when I knew they wouldn't be able to find anyone that quickly that early, I had some negative self-talk.

"And you think you can be a farmer?
 Farmers don't get luxuries like sick days and managers to find someone to do your job. 
It's 24/7/365 baby. The chickens need to eat and they don't care if you're sick."

You know what brain-weevils? This time you're right, on one thing. 
The chickens won't care if I'm sick. 

I can take my time and putter carefully out to the henhouse, feed and water them, and then when that's done, whether it took 15 min or an hour, I can go back to bed for the rest of the day, and then go back out around supper time to make sure they're safe for the night. I CAN do that. I could have done that today, but that's not what was being asked of me. 

I currently work fast food. What was asked of me was a lot of loud talking in a noisy environment, speedy movement, and most likely a bunch of physical lifting.... FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT.

Yes, I can be a farmer. 
I know I'll be on call 24/7/365. 
That doesn't mean I have to be some superhuman who never has a sick day.